Cheers! (◕‿◕)
The fast, serverless, open source, and full-stack website
Explore the Features
And try them on this fully functional live demo

Fast to deploy

Deploy on Cloudflare Pages with D1, KV, R2, Queues and Turnstile. Fully powered by Cloudflare platform.

User Auth

Password sign in, magic link sign in, forgot and reset password, sign up with email verification.

Secure Auth

Sessions cached in Cloudflare KV and stored in D1, highly customizable session management, and rate limiting.


Blog engine with rich formatting, RSS and SEO optimization, great for content marketing.


User friendly subscriptions powered by Stripe Checkout, try it out in live demo!

Billing Portal

Self-serve Stripe portal for updating card, receipts, upgrades, downgrades and more.

User Dashboard

User profile, user settings, sessions, update password, billing, and more.

Contact Us

Contact form for customers to reach out for demos, quotes, and questions.


Perfect 100/100 Google performance scores. Pre-rendering and optimized for speed. SvelteKit for the win!


Designed for mobile and desktop, with a focus on responsive design.

Delightful Stack

Tools you'll love working with, including SvelteKit, Tailwind, DaisyUI, Cloudflare Pages/D1/KV/R2/Queues.


Handle new users and scale with horizontally scaling edge functions with Cloudflare.